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Wow! Great to find a

Wow! Great to find a post knocking my socks off!

(by yYnfqbl7H)

Thanks Dr.! Watched

Thanks Dr.! Watched all parts of your presentation, very informative. I plan to start eating right, exercising, & controlling stress ASAP. I’m also gonna look for your book at Barnes & Nobel this weekend. Thanks again!

(by JkIGfSHS)

Raté, Américain es

Raté, Américain est un substantif, avec une majuscule, comme expliqué par Maxence. Vous êtes un Français, parlant français. Cette majuscule honore d’une certaine façon l’origine d’une *personne*, c’est pour cela qu’on ne la met pas au sujet d’un melon, ou d’un beurre de cacahuète.

(by NUyrxRJix)

Dag nabbit good stuf

Dag nabbit good stuff you whippersnappers!

(by x5PrVBMUx7)

Ha, yes, it does see

Ha, yes, it does seem like a very convinient curse, just to make them look more striking. Of course, as interesting as their society can be when played/written correctly, their entire premise is pretty cheesy.

(by QnGc1j01)

Wacalaykum assalaam

Wacalaykum assalaam waraxmatullaahi wabarakaatuh,Ramadaan kariim walaal, Fowzia.Mashmashka lama rogo, hoos uun baa laga kariyaa. Waad ku-mahadsan tahay fikradahaada aad inoo soo jeedisay. Waxaan kuu-rajaynaynaa ramadaan barakaysan. Mahadsanid.

(by ZBXfB5JT3)

In awe of that answe

In awe of that answer! Really cool!

(by T96gw9KXW)

This looks like Autu

This looks like Autumn has arrived. I can see this on a cool day after a long work out. Every time I eat pork I want applesauce with it so this is perfect.


I’m a subscrib

I’m a subscriber. I found you through reader’s interest groups. I’ve deleted a bunch of Photog. blogs which were not interesting but yours I kept. Keep it up!-Mary Tyler

(by 1YGGjTK2)

More posts of this q

More posts of this quality. Not the usual c***, please

(by xEIKbYRWp2L)
