ページ  1

You get a lot of res

You get a lot of respect from me for writing these helpful articles.

(by NHFGm7XYOyjK)

on Hola, en la web

on Hola, en la web oficial de siyah esta la última versión, la puedes descargar desde ahí, por ahora el problema con cf-root para las operadoras es que ChainFire ya no esta dando soporte a cf-root sino a su nueva herramienta cf-autoroot donde todavía no saca una versiónpara el I9100, así que instala la nordica haz el root y instala la versión que este disponible en la web de siyah, Saludos.

(by tw6azBo5)


279c237anna:936c2a5Недавно попалась книжка со скороговорками. одна из них следующего содержания: «ÃÂ•Ã‘Ð»Ð¸ с дерева упала макаронина, значит, эта макаронина — Ã

(by J5YBNUtV9m)

Stellar work there e

Stellar work there everyone. I'll keep on reading.

(by uIsmmcUPh3)

The milk shouldnR

The milk shouldn’t be tampered with – clean, grassfed milk & cream from happy, healthy cows is what we should be consuming. I’ve stopped buying pasteurised or homogenised milk – I wish you sold unpasteurised dairy products!

(by STa0SjB90F)

How could any of thi

How could any of this be better stated? It couldn't.

(by duY7FLqc)

Vil gjerne lese meir

Vil gjerne lese meir suksess/inspirasjonshistorier. Det hadde også vore spennande med oppfølgingsartikler på fremgangen til dei som fikk treningsprogram her for ein tid tilbake.

(by CBN8JWT7)

What a lovely keepsa

What a lovely keepsake for that dear family. You have outdone yourself on the embroidery...it is lovely. We too like to go to Wild Oats and enjoy all the bounty it has to offer.Have a wonderful day,ShanHoney Hill Farm

(by 1M0HV6UaC)

Özgür,İçim paral

Özgür,İçim paralandı yine, ağlaya ağlaya helak olmak istiyorum. Dün bir nörolog arkadaş bir lezyonun iyileşip iyileşmeyeceğini tam söyleyebilmek için bir yıl geçmesi gerektiğini söyledi. İlk aklıma gelen şey Maya ve umut oldu. Bir de Yalçın beyin bu hayvanların omurilik basılarına daha hassas oldukları bilgisi olmasa (

(by 96TcdrdE0E)

Runner Leana

Runner Leana · I have a tough time staying in zone 2. The only way to have it happen is to run the absolute flattest route possible. Sounds like you have gotten some great workouts in though. Congrats!And beautiful goal dress. Best of luck to you!!!

(by UzaqpfxjqVII)

Could you write abou

Could you write about Physics so I can pass Science class?

(by u0x2K3pmglj)

Ez a "tócsni" recep

Ez a "tócsni" recept az én évek óta rendszeresen alkalmazott, ezerszeresen kipróbált, tutibiztos vacsorám. Bizton állíthatom, hogy a zsemlemorzsa vs. liszt csatából a morzsa kerül ki győztesen. Én gyakorta készítem reszelt, lesózott, kinyomkodott cukkiniből, puhára főzött, összetört karfiolból (ahhoz egy nyers reszelt krumplit is adok), párolt gombából... eléggé univerzális recept. Nálunk tejföllel vagy tartárral megy.

(by xNHZckD4)

Your post has moved

Your post has moved the debate forward. Thanks for sharing!

(by NJddInQTcg)
