ページ  1

We are going to keep

We are going to keep our blog updated, the semi truck arrives tomorrow morning and we will have more information at that time. I think we are staying in Allentown but distributing right in NY. Thanks for your patience.

(by FUC1T7ylZhAX)

Un autre point sympa

Un autre point sympa du vautour : ses serres « n’enserrent » pas, contrairement à d’autres rapaces (au propre comme au figuré)…

(by Uc93RE2cR)

I once made almost t

I once made almost the same piece for a project at art school and I got the worst critics from my teachers. Design studies can be very confusing and teachers can, on one side, make you learn your profession and, on the other side, acting as a cause of a censorship inflixed by oneself and making you doubt about one´s capabilities to, one day, find a similar idea as an important piece.Can someone help me to confide in my own creativity?

(by QSO1sFae)


2010å¹´3月27日下午3:05 匿名:我刪果兩個留言應該都係你貼,一個無厘頭講「有個師奶勇救乜乜」,另一個就不停重複「新的假不了,乜乜真不了」。係咪你貼o架?應該你啦,你留言都貼題少少啦,駛唔駛貼埋「如何做腿蛋治」呢又?你唔駛測試呢度「是否言論自由」,我無得撚閒同你玩測試,你亂鳩咁整å

(by Oq79HRxi)

Huhu, da es beim ers

Huhu, da es beim ersten Mal so viel Spaß gemacht hat, bin ich diese Woche wieder mit dabei.Hab eure Werke schon bewundert. Einfach toll.LG Nadia

(by dVmpjjJUfnm)

Full of salient poin

Full of salient points. Don't stop believing or writing!

(by Sui4ToqSPa)

Apple now has Rhapso

Apple now has Rhapsody as an app, which is a great start, but it is currently hampered by the inability to store locally on your iPod, and has a dismal 64kbps bit rate. If this changes, then it will somewhat negate this advantage for the Zune, but the 10 songs per month will still be a big plus in Zune Pass’ favor.VA:F [1.6.5_908]please wait...VA:F [1.6.5_908](from 0 votes)

(by f8XnpClO)

Hi there, why

Hi there, why do you guys named Vixia? when I go to another camera store the name vixia is not added to the Sony XA-10. Is a newer version of the same camera o what?Thank you for any comments!

(by QuK9Fm1NvN)

Oh that sweet, sweet

Oh that sweet, sweet boy; how lucky he is to have a mother who works so hard to understand what moves him.I love your funny (you KNOW that) but on the rare occasions that you embrace the heart?It's breathtaking.

(by wWyVsdYz83)

Secondo me la second

Secondo me la seconda stagione di Heroes è la sciorda. Ma quella vera.Una serie di scopiazzature tenute insieme con lo sputo. Ma sul serio c’è a chi piace ancora? Pushing Daisies è molto carino, anche se la seconda puntata mi fa temere che ci possa essere ben poca fantasia nello svolgimento. Le prime puntate di Mad Men invece mi hanno lasciato indifferente, purtroppo.Dexter è sempre Dexter. Cioè il meglio Gesu`

(by ejNCAlHxj3K4)
