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Doutor, na classific

Doutor, na classificação da pesquiza dos melhores comentaristas do Brasil segundo o UOL o Neto está brigando pela respescagem da Libertadores, o senhor está garantido na Sul-americana, assim como o Mauro Betting, o Ulisses está brigando contra o rebaixamento e pela permanÊncia na elite(por enquanto fica) e o Denilson está rebaixado já, sem chances de ficar na elite dos comentaristas…rsrsrrsrsabraço, feliz páscoa pro senhor e a familia.

(by fMPH7TzPBOi)

I can't believe you'

I can't believe you're not playing with me--that was so helpful.

(by CK9z9OR6sdmF)

Wowza, problem solve

Wowza, problem solved like it never happened.

(by nLYc6TeuWBzB)

• Dec 20, 2012 @4

• Dec 20, 2012 @4:15 pmThe comments that struck me most were the ones steadfastly defending a person's "right" to have a semi-automatic gun that looks like an M16….You have a right to possess a gun sufficient enough to allow you to defend yourself. You do not have a right to possess a gun designed for military purposes.So, any gun that looks like an M16 is equivalent to a gun designed for military purposes? Is that the take-away there?

(by WIzC1zTIIpPH)

I’ve done both

I’ve done both – work at a job to pay the bills and work at a job that I loved. Even turned down a promotion and a raise because I knew I wouldn’t like the new job or the people I would be working with. Right now I’m enjoying what I’m doing but I also know I’ll be needing a change soon. Change can be painful but also good.

(by XLCaYYnDxF)

voila un homme qui a

voila un homme qui aime son club qui investit des fonds personnels et vous le critiquait .arretez vous me faites pleurer de rire .quant a villeneuve du psg je ne l aime pas mais il faut au moins lui reconnaitre une chose c est qu il a redonne une credibilite au psg

(by mMUzzdjuUOr)
